Friday, October 27, 2017

5 Beauty Hacks I Actually Use

      What's up my angels, how is going with you? how is school? uni? work?. I'm sooo excited because it is officially fall in Algeria YAAAAAY. So, for today's article I thought to talk about beauty hacks that I truly use every time. Whenever I see articles, videos and stuff about beauty tricks, I wonder if they actually work?. Well, honestly speaking, I tried a lot of the hacks and I found some of them were very helpful and did a great job for me, so hopefully they will work for you too.

1-  You know when you have that eyeliner pencil which is looking great when you swatch it on your hand, and as soon as you try it  you will see nothing. Well, my ladies I have the solution but you need to be careful, all you need is a lighter/ match and then poke the eyeliner nib onto it for about a second, then you have to blowing it to make sure that it is nice and cool and that's it.

2- Cocoanut oil has become one of my favorite things I use for my hair, body and also for my face. So, recently I use it as a makeup remover and trust me it works amaziiing even if you have a waterproof eye makeup. In addition, I noticed that cocoanut oil helped my eyelashes to grow so YEEEES. 

3- This next hack is for the ones who love to wear matte lipsticks but all they have is glossy lipsticks. So, wear any lipstick that you like and then put on a tissue or toilet paper. After, take a brush with a translucent powder and place that over your lipstick. It looks really silly but I promise you it works really good and as a result you lipstick becomes a matt plus this hack prevents the lipstick from getting on your teeth. 

4- We all had those days when we forgotten some sort of makeup especially blush and this super sucks lol. Well,  you need a lipstick and simply just put a little of bit onto your fingers and start dabbing it on your cheeks. Voila, you have a glowing beautiful cheeks.

5- We all love nail polish but we get very mad when we get all over. So, for this trick you need a makeup brush with nail polish remover and simply use that brush to clean away any kind of edges where you may messed up.

         Well, this is my article for today I hope you enjoyed reading it, don't forget to tag your friends to see it and check out my Instagram. Stay tune for more and I Love You.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Homemade Facial Masks

Helloooo beautiful ladies, how is it going? It has been a long time since I've posted a blog, I'm so sorry but it was for a good reason lol I got married Yaaaaay Meeeee 😁😁. Anyways, let's get started!!!
Couple weeks before my wedding, I decided to care of my skin as any bride lol. I looked up for facial homemade masks and I found a lot, so I chose masks that suite all skin type and their ingredients can be found in any kitchen.

1- Egg and tissue mask: this mask is so easy to make and apply. All you need is the clear liquid of an egg (the white part, albumen or the glair/glaire) and a tissue. First, put the white part in a container and mix it. Then, apply it on your face with your hand/face brush and put on it a tissue (you can cut it into 4 parts: forehead; nose; two cheeks). Let this mask dries very well and then rinse it with lukewarm water. 

2- Natural green/white clay: you can find this ingredient at any perfumer or spice dealer. What you need is two spoons of powder clay and rose water (in case you don't have the latter, you can use mineral/ tap water). Mix the two components together and apply the mixture on your face carefully. Keep the mask on your face until it dries and then clean with a lukewarm water.

3- Honey: this is the easiest mask ever, I think we all have honey in our kitchen, right? So, apply the honey on your face for about 15 to 20 minutes then rinse it with lukewarm water and that's it lol.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article, don't forget to check out my Instagram account and stay tune for more.
💗I Love You💗